MDE EXPERT – Machine Data Capturing

Is your only objective to be informed about your production status when you think about machine data capturing?

MDE expert offers you so much more!

The individual configurable machine data capturing solution by IPS Expert allows you to capture the data which you actually want and need. Without restrictions!

Our solution offers you to capture classical data like production and interruption time and its cause, but also offers the possibility for additional data of preceding, following and parallel processes to capture, analyze and evaluate in one single data base.

     -Management and control of article-specific machine parameters
     -Capturing of machine production, interruption and break-down time
     -Visualisation of critical production processes

Machine data from different sources and processes can be captured and displayed.

The following processes are hereby plausible:

     -Display of energy consumption over produced quantity
     -Temperature progress of used materials
     -Filling level of silos and containers
     -Additional applications can be done

MDE expert process change display and filling level monitoring. Display of data can be done using the IPS Expert Dashboard.

Increasing requirements for production processes are followed by increasing requirements for testing processes and result therefore in bigger data volume.
Using MDE expert you are able to automatically capture all production data and collect it article-specific.

Examples of test equipment data are:

     -Spectrometer data to determine the specific chemical material composition
     -Results from tensile or 3-point-bending tests
     -Weights from scales
     -Results from length and form measurements
     -Further applications are possible

Chemical material composition as a result of a spectrometer analysis in a foundry. All data is allocated to casting batches and test certificates.

All data can be evaluated in the form of reports on test certificates or be displayed as a result of your process monitoring.

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IPS Expert GmbH
Schweinfurter Straße 28
97076 Würzburg Germany
Tel.: +49 (0) 931 30 980-0
Fax: +49 (0) 931 30 980-22