-All documents belonging to articles can be saved directly with the article.
Direct allocation and needed access are ensured.
Of course, the same goes for all processes ranging from
sales to production to purchase processes.
-No more additional effort in saving documents like contracts, pictures
or technical drawings.
Complex folder structures using the Windows Explorer are a thing of the past now.
-Scanning and automated saving of accompanying documents, like packing slips.
-Test results, like micro structure analyses and grinding pattern pictures,
can be automatically allocated within a network.
-No more mountains of files in the office or storage area.
All available documents can be used in further software solutions like the shop-floor solution
BDE expert, for production data capturing, on industrial touch PCs.
Therefore, all process information is up to date in all production areas.
Back to the GUSS expert module overview.
IPS Expert GmbH
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97076 Würzburg Germany
Tel.: +49 (0) 931 30 980-0
Fax: +49 (0) 931 30 980-22