Your solution for all your object requiring maintenance!
Planning ahead is key to lower breakdowns and downtime and increase productivity and utilization rate.
The Maintenance expert solution informs you optimally about your cyclic maintenance work. And it does so in advance!
Of course, we manage all sudden machine crashes using our immediate orders, as well.
The IPS Expert maintenance solution is not a stand-alone solution, but is integrated into the ERP solution GUSS expert. Thus, enabling you to plan all maintenance work with up-to-date shift, equipment and machine data.
You already own an ERP system? Our interface solutions can connect the maintenance solution to your overlaying ERP system.
The advantage of our maintenance software lies in the planning and scheduling of maintenance work ahead of time, which enables you to plan advance activities and optimally use your personnel resources.
The benefit shows in a lower downtime of production machines and therefore an increased system availability.
Depending on the application, software supported maintenance pays off within a few months.
The maintenance object management is based on master data, which can be integrated into the GUSS expert ERP system.
This offers you to:
-be aware of all shift working hours of different departments, so that maintenance work does not need to interrupt production
-use machine data to monitor operating time and inform you on the current need for any maintenance work
-organize all maintenance objects in a tree-structure-solution. Complex machinery can be broken down into separate parts for monitoring and planning. Routinely used spare parts can be entered directly beneath the maintenance object.
-manage inventory stock of spare parts and equipment and all material withdrawal, which can be automized using a RFID or barcode connection
-plan measurement equipment monitoring: Measurement equipment are maintenance objects. The cyclic check of measurement equipment ( every half year, year or by individual requirement) can be fulfilled using the software-supported maintenance solution.
Various planning views are available for your optimal planning and scheduling.
All maintenance tasks are scheduled based on cyclic dates. Since reality and plan often do not match, all tasks can be manually scheduled in detail.
You are looking to utilize your resources optimally? An individual resource planning by staff member or machine utilization is realizable as well.
The IPS Expert maintenance solution offers you the possibility to create all maintenance orders according to your requirements. The volume of each order can be freely adjusted. All tasks can be divided and individually described.
Add a barcode to your orders to assign task more easily. Using mobile data recording devices, you can assign barcodes and RFID chips to objects to scan them and get the right order selected.
Each order is monitored by dates and production numbers and reminds you of upcoming maintenance tasks.
Integration of pictures, explosion drawings etc. can be done using the document management system. The appearance and form of maintenance orders can be adjusted using the Report Designer.
The integrated stock management keeps you informed about your currently stocked articles. The connection to maintenance orders keeps you informed about your spare part consumption.
Keeping you updated with your inventory!
Inventory management, as part of the purchase and material management, lets you enter purchase orders and book incoming goods.
The planning of maintenance tasks can be further detailed incorporating delivery dates and the knowledge about currently incoming goods.
A sophisticated reporting is key to evaluate the effectiveness of your maintenance activities. A solid capturing of production data creates transparency in your process.
After suitable process analysis, the following key figures can be created:
-Mean time between downtime of machines
-Average duration of maintenance jobs
-Facility efficiency
-Downtime due to planned/unplanned maintenance
Additional key figures can be created according to your requirements.
Complementary to these, the Dashboard and Report Designer solution can be recommended to make all the information, which you actually need, available to you.
All tasks are archived in a data base. Additionally, documents with date, time and signature, for each feedback can be uploaded. All previously done tasks for each object can be tracked.
Pictures, technical drawings, instructions and much more are important to fulfil maintenance tasks. The document management system allows the uploading and saving of all of the required documents.
Back to the GUSS expert module overview.
IPS Expert GmbH
Schweinfurter Straße 28
97076 Würzburg Germany
Tel.: +49 (0) 931 30 980-0
Fax: +49 (0) 931 30 980-22